Minimally Invasive
General and Colorectal Surgery
Ειδικές διαγνωστικές τεχνικές
Αποτελεσματικές λύσεις για κάθε πάθηση
Dr Κωνσταντίνος Τσιμογιάννης MD, MSc, PhD
Χειρουργική Παχέος εντέρου & πρωκτού
Καινοτόμες Ιατρικές Τεχνολογίες, Εξατομικευμένη φροντίδα σε κάθε ασθενή!
Καλώς ήλθατε στην ιστοσελίδα του χειρουργού Dr Κωνσταντίνου Τσιμογιάννη MD, MSc, PhD, που διατηρεί ιατρείο στα Ιωάννινα και διακρίνεται για την παροχή ιατρικών υπηρεσιών υψηλών προδιαγραφών, με σεβασμό στον άνθρωπο.
Ο ιατρός ειδικεύθηκε στη Γενική Χειρουργική στα νοσοκομεία Centralsjukhuset Kristianstad της Σουηδίας και Γ. Ν. Ιωαννίνων «Γ. Χατζηκώστα». Είναι εξειδικευμένος στη χειρουργική Παχέος εντέρου και πρωκτού, στη Λαπαροσκοπική και στη Ρομποτική χειρουργική.
Έχει εργαστεί στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο της Ουψάλας στη Σουηδία, όπου παράλληλα με το κλινικό του έργο κατέχει πανεπιστημιακή θέση, την οποία διατηρεί μέχρι και σήμερα. Έτσι, συνεχίζει το ακαδημαϊκό και ερευνητικό του έργο, διδάσκει φοιτητές και επιβλέπει υποψήφιους διδάκτορες Χειρουργικής.
Από το 2022 (οπότε και επέστρεψε στην Ελλάδα) εργάζεται ως γενικός χειρουργός και ως ειδικός στις παθήσεις Παχέος εντέρου και πρωκτού. Παράλληλα με τη λειτουργία του ιατρείου του στα Ιωάννινα, ο χειρουργός Dr Κωνσταντίνος Τσιμογιάννης συνεργάζεται με γνωστές ιδιωτικές κλινικές της Θεσσαλονίκης.
Με μία εξατομικευμένη προσέγγιση κάθε ασθενή που τον εμπιστεύεται, παρέχει υψηλού επιπέδου χειρουργικές υπηρεσίες ακολουθώντας, πάντα, τα διεθνή πρότυπα και τις εξελίξεις στην ειδικότητά του.
Σύντομο Βιογραφικό
Το 2005 ο Κωνσταντίνος Τσιμογιάννης αποφοίτησε από την Ιατρική Σχολή του ΑΠΘ, με βαθμό Λίαν Καλώς.
Το 2006 εκπλήρωσε τις στρατιωτικές του υποχρεώσεις και ξεκίνησε να εργάζεται πάνω στη διδακτορική του διατριβή, με αντικείμενο τη Λαπαροσκοπική Χειρουργική του Καρκίνου του Παχέος Εντέρου.
Το Μάρτιο του 2012 ανακηρύχθηκε διδάκτωρ Α.Π.Θ. με βαθμό Άριστα. Παράλληλα, ολοκλήρωσε επιτυχώς το μεταπτυχιακό Χειρουργικής Ήπατος - Παγκρέατος - Χοληφόρων του Δ.Π.Θ.
Το 2013 έλαβε τον τίτλο της ειδικότητας της Γενικής Χειρουργικής. Στη συνέχεια, εργάστηκε ως επιμελητής Β' στο νοσοκομείο Västmanland, Västerås της Σουηδίας.
Το Σεπτέμβριο του 2014 ξεκίνησε να εργάζεται ως επιμελητής Α' στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο Akademiska της Uppsala της Σουηδίας.
Το 2021 μετακινήθηκε στην Αγγλία με υποτροφία της Ευρωπαϊκής Εταιρείας Χειρουργικής Παχέος Εντέρου και Πρωκτού και εξειδικεύθηκε στη Ρομποτική χειρουργική στο κέντρο με το μεγαλύτερο αριθμό ρομποτικών επεμβάσεων στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο.
Δείτε το αναλυτικό βιογραφικό του ιατρού
- 1993, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
- 1997, A-levels Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- 2005, Πτυχίο Ιατρικής, ΑΠΘ
- 2006, ATLS certificate of the ACS Committee on Trauma (renewed 2010)
- 2007, Swedex B2 certificate for Swedish language
- 2010, MSc in HPB Surgery
- 2012, PhD in Colorectal Surgery
- 2013, Επιτυχής ολοκλήρωση εξετάσεων ειδικότητας Γενικής Χειρουργικής
ESCP Robotic Surgery fellowship, between May-October 2021 at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth under Professor Jim Khan
Σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες για τη Διδασκαλία και τη Μάθηση στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουψάλας, όλοι οι ακαδημαϊκοί δάσκαλοι πρέπει να ολοκληρώσουν συγκεκριμένη ακαδημαϊκή κατάρτιση. Για τους αναπληρωτές καθηγητές απαιτείται το ισοδύναμο πέντε εβδομάδων. Για τους καθηγητές απαιτείται το ισοδύναμο των 10 εβδομάδων.
Academic Teacher Pedagogic Course, Uppsala University: Autumn 2019, Successfully completed (5 weeks).
Tutoring of PhD students, Uppsala University: Spring 2020, Successfully completed (3 weeks).
- 2007-2008 Ειδικότητα Γενικής Χειρουργικής, CSK, Kristianstad, Sweden
- 2008-2013 Ειδικότητα Γενικής Χειρουργικής, ΓΝ Ιωαννίνων «Γ. Χατζηκώστα»
- 2013-2014 Επιμελητής Χειρουργικής, Colorectal Department, Västerås, Sweden
Από το Σεπτέμβριο του 2014 είμαι επιμελητής χειρουργικής και ακαδημαϊκός δάσκαλος στο Πανεπιστημιακό νοσοκομείο της Ουψάλας και στην Ιατρική Σχολή της Ουψάλας. Εργάζομαι στο τμήμα παχέος εντέρου, με εφημερίες στη Γενική Χειρουργική. Στο πλαίσιο των καθηκόντων μου στην τρέχουσα θέση μου στο Πανεπιστημιακό Νοσοκομείο της Ουψάλας, διδάσκω σε προπτυχιακό επίπεδο, φοιτητές ιατρικής με διαλέξεις, PBL και κλινικά μαθήματα. Έχω συνολικά περισσότερες από 200 διδακτικές ώρες διαλέξεων σε Φοιτητές Ιατρικής. Έχω διδάξει τη χειρουργική ενότητα το φθινόπωρο του 2016 στο μάθημα Φυσικοθεραπείας στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουψάλας. Είμαι υπεύθυνος του μαθήματος Basic Surgical Technique στην Ουψάλα, από το 2016. Από το 2018 είμαι υπεύθυνος εκπαίδευσης ενός από τους ειδικευομένους μας στην Ουψάλα.
Από τον Ιανουάριο του 2022 επέστρεψα στην Ελλάδα και διατηρώ ιατρείο στα Ιωάννινα και τη Θεσσαλονίκη. Συνεργάζομαι με τις ιδιωτικές κλινικές της Θεσσαλονίκης. Συνεχίζω το ακαδημαϊκό μου έργο, διατηρώντας την πανεπιστημιακή μου θέση στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Ουψάλας στη Σουηδία.
Έτος 2010: 2nd Prize for the oral presentation SILS: Evolution of lapartoendoscopic surgery at 16th Congress of the Medical–Surgical Association of Corfu 16-18 April 2010, Corfu, Greece.
Έτος 2011: 1st Prize for published work for the manuscript Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication combined with posterior gastropexy in surgical treatment of GERD. Published at Surg Endosc. 2010 Jun;24(6):1303-9. Epub 2009 Dec 4 at 10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 26-28 May 2011, Athens, Greece.
KARL STORZ EAES Award. 19th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Torino, Italy 15- 18 June 2011.
Έτος 2012: Award for one of seven best presentations (KARL STORZ EAES Award Session) 20th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Brussels, Belgium, 20-23 June 2012.
Merit for 3rd best Oral Presentation 28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012.
Έτος 2013: Best video presentation 11th Congress of the Surgiocal Society of Northern Greece 25-27 October, Ioannina, Greece. -
“Contribution in the study of the inflammatory response in open and laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer”
Department of Surgery, Medical School of Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Hellas Supervisor: Professor G.Mpasdanis MD.
Master of Science in HPB Surgery, Democretus University of Thrace
2009-1010. Diploma number 172. -
‘Breast cancer and carcinomatosis’
Department of Surgical Sciences, Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala University, Sweden
Primary Investigator: Konstantinos Tsimogiannis.
‘The effect of colectomy for colorectal cancer and peritoneal carcinomatosis in intestinal microbiome and its association to intestinal anastomosis insufficiency’
Department of Surgical Sciences, Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala University, Sweden Primary Investigator: Konstantinos Tsimogiannis.
‘Treatent with Autolog fat cells Translpantation in perianal fistulas’
Department of Surgical Sciences, Akademiska Hospital, Uppsala University, Sweden
Primary Investigator: Helene Siilin.
Kristin Jonsdottir: The study of infection and microbiome in peritoneal carcinomatosis.
Jasmin Enghedasi: Characteristics of breast cancer patients with peritoneal metastases: A descriptive study. Examined as project to students’ diploma by the Uppsala University in May 2020.
Lina Holmberg, last year of general surgery residency.
1. ESCP Workshop: 6th Anorectal and Pelvic floor Ultrasound Course
24 September 2014, Barcelona, Spain.2. Supervising at doctoral level
2 May 2016, Uppsala, Sweden.3. Resident tutoring (ST handledare utbildning)
17-18 May 2018 and 30 Jan 2019, Uppsala, Sweden.4. Higher education pedagogic course (5 weeks)
Autumn 2019, Uppsala Sweden.5. Tutoring of PhD students
Spring 2020, Uppsala, Sweden.6. Microbiome in Human Health and Diseases
May and June 2020. 10 weeks online course from The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.7. Colorectal, Technology & Surgeon-Led Procedure course at EU Direct
EBM Gothenburg (Gothenburg, Sweden), 23- 24 March 2021.8. Hand on Basic Robotic Skills Course, Oxford Intuitive lab, Oxford; UK, 17th September 2021.
“The effect of oregano oil on LDL and on plasma lipoproteins”
Department of Biochemistry, Medical School of Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Hellas. Supervisor: Professor G. Papageorgiou.
“The antioxidative role of olive oil on the oxidation of plasma lipoproteins, in vitro”
Department of Biochemistry, Medical School of Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Hellas.
Supervisor: Professor G.Papageorgiou.
1. 4th International Postgraduate course “HPB MARATHON”
Athens, Hellas 18-20 March, 2004.
2. Postgraduate course on Gastro-oesophageal cancer
Athens, Hellas 10 November, 2005.
3. HPB Postgraduate courses 2006-2007 under the supervision and approval of the European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association and the Hellenic Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (Circle of 4 course which will be completed in September 2007).
4. Advanced Workshop on Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
10 February 2010, Arahova, Greece.
5. Hernia Surgery course
Helsingborg, Sweden 12-13 March 2008.
6. Basic Surgical Techniques, from the Swedish Surgical Society in cooperation with the Royal College of Surgeons of England
Lund, Sweden 8-10 April 2008.
7. 10th Postgraduate course in GI motility and sensitivity, from Crete University and the Naval Hospital of Athens.
Delfi, Hellas 24-27 January 2009.
8. Postgraduate course in Laparoscopic techniques, from The Hellenic Society of Large Bowel and Annus Surgery.
Thessaloniki, Hellas 6-7 February 2009.
9. Writers Workshop
Adelaide, Australia, 8-10 September 2009.
10. Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair
University Hospital Getafe, 28th April 2010, Madrid, Spain.
11. Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course
In accordance with the standards and guidelines of the IATSIC
20-22 May 2010, Athens, Greece.
12. Surgical Pathology of the colon
1st Meeting: 3-6 June 2010, Rethymno, Greece
2nd Meeting: 10-13 February 2011, Volos Greece.
13. M.I.S. Colorectal
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
30 March 2011.
14. Bariatric Surgery
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
31 March 2011.
15. Safe Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Lab
10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 27 May 2011, Athens, Greece.
16. HAL-RAR training course,
Bludenz, Austria, 11 November 2011.
17. Laparoscopic Surgery Course
European School of Laparoscopic Surgery
Saint-Pierre University Hospital, Brussels Belgium, 15-18 November 2011.
18. Postgraduate course of year 2010-2011 for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Hellenic Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Athens, Greece.
19. Surgical Pathology of the colon
7-10 June 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
20. Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Course, by the Hellenic Surgical Society
8-10 November 2012, Athens, Greece.
21. AGC Course Davos 2013
22-28 February 2013, Davos, Switzerland.
1. Scientific Meeting “Current data on Colorectal Cancer”
Round Table: Current research on colorectal cancer
Topic: Inflammatory reaction in laparoscopic vs open surgery for colorectal cancer”. Lefkas, Greece, 1-2 May 2009
2. 9th Meeting of the Northern Greece Surgical Scociety, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29th October – 1st November 2009 Round Table: Colorectal cancer. Open or laparocopic approach?
Topic: Fast Track Surgery ή or laparoscopic approach for colorectal cancer?
3. 7th Adcanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, Ioannina, Greece, 6-8 November 2009.
Round Table: The evolution of laparoscopic Surgery –SILS
Topic: Current status of Greece in SILS
4. 27th Panhellenic Surgical Congress 2010. Athens, Greece 24-27 November 2010.
Round Table: Laparoscopic Surgery through Single Port or Natural orifices.
Topic: SILS: Current opinions.
5. 4th Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Society of Colorectal and Anal Surgery. Thessaloniki, Greece, 19-22 May 2011.
Round Table: Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgery: Why most Surgerons do not do it.
Topic: Colorectal cancer. Why more than 90% of operations are done by open procedure?
6. 8th Adcanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, Ioannina, Greece, 4-6 November 2011.
Round Table: Reducing Invasion in Minimally Invasive Surgery.
Topic: Surgery through a Single transumbilical Incision. Does it have any advantages?
7. 28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012. Round Table: Single Incision Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery.
Topic: Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery. From local excision to oncologic radical surgery.
1. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, NIKAS K, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, ZIKOS N, TASSIS A: How to prevent recurrences in laparoscopic ventral Hernioplasty. 24th International Congress of the European Hernia Society
Prague, Czech Republic April 29-May 1, 2004, Abstract Vol. p.48
2. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, NIKAS K, ZIKOS N, TSIMOYIANNIS JC, TSIMOGIANNIS KE: Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and radiofrequency energy (RFE) assisted hepatectomy. 12th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Barcelona, Spain, June 9-12, 2004. Abstract Vol. O120, p.78
3. FESLIKIDIS T, PAPAGEORGIOU G, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, MAKEDOU K, ILIADIS S: The effect of oregano oil on LDL and on plasma lipoproteins. 4th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress. Larisa, Hellas. October 7-9, 2004
4. FESLIKIDIS T, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, HRISTAKIS E, ILIADIS S, PEGIOU T, PAPAGEORGIOU G: The anti-oxidative role of olive oil on the oxidation of plasma lipoproteins, in vitro. 3rd Scientific Congress of The Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Thessaloniki, Hellas. April 10-13, 2005.Abstract Vol. p.25
5. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, KARFIS E, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, NIKAS K, SIAKAS F, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, SIOZOU E, MANATAKI A: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication without the use of bougie calibration. 7th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Congress Ioannina, Hellas May 19-22, 2005. Abstract vol. p.57
6. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, NIKAS K, KARFIS E, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, MANATAKI A: Laparoscopic hepatectomy: Role of Radiofrequency Energy. 13th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Venice Lido, Italy 1-4 June ,2005. Abstract Vol. p.105
7. KARFIS E, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, NIKAS K, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, SIOZOU E, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Use of Radiofrequency Energy in treatment of extra- hepatic malignant tumors. 7th Congress of The Surgical Society of North Greece, Alexandroupoli, Hellas. October 13-15 ,2005.
8. KARFIS E, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, NIKAS K, SIOZIOU E, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Colorectal Liver Metastases. The therapeutic value of Radiofrequency Energy. 13th International Postgraduate Course of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, Athens, Hellas. December 8-10, 2005.
9. PAPPAS-GOGOS G, KARFIS E, NIKAS K, SIOZIOU E, GESOULI A, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Influence in survival of lymph nodes dissection in patients with gastric cancer. 13th International Postgraduate Course of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, Athens, Hellas. December 8-10, 2005.
10. NIKAS K, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, KARFIS E, SIOZIOU E, PANAGIOTOPOULOS J, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Laparoscopic versus open approach in surgical treatment of rectal cancer. 13th International Postgraduate Course of the International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, Athens, Hellas. December 8-10, 2005.
11. FESLIKIDIS T, ILIADIS S, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, PEGIOY T, VAVATSI- HRISTAKI N, PAPAGEORGIOY G: The anti-oxidative role of olive oil on the oxidation of plasma lipoproteins, in vitro. 5th Pan-Hellenic Congress on Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress, Kardamili Messinias, Hellas,28 September-1 October 2006. Abstract Vol. p44
12. PAPPAS-GOGOS G, KARFIS H, NIKAS K, SIOZIOY E, MPENETATOS N, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Inguinal Hernioplasty. Techniques and results. 25th Pan-Hellenic Congress of Surgery-International Surgical Forum 2006, Athens, Hellas, November 22-26, 2006. Abstract Vol. p195
13. KN NIKAS, N BENETATOS, E KARFIS, E SIOZIOU, E ROUSTANIS, G GOGOS-PAPPAS, KE TSIMOGIANNIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Plasma D-dimer levels in patients with operable colorectal cancer. Early announcement. 14th International Postgraduate course of the IASGO, Athens, Hellas, December 7-9,2006. Abstract Vol. pA6
14. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, KN NIKAS, N BENETATOS, E KARFIS, E SIOZIOU, E ROUSTANIS, G GOGOS-PAPPAS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy and Dor Anterior Fundoplication for Esophageal Achalasia. 14th International Postgraduate course of the IASGO, Athens, Hellas, December 7-9,2006. Abstract Vol. pA18
15. PAPPAS-GOGOS G, KARFIS E, NIKAS K, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS J, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. A single institution experience in this not rare clinical entity. World Congress 2007. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. Antwerpen, Belgium. March 22-24, 2007. Acta Clinica Belgica 2007; 62 [suppl. 1]: P28
16. KE .TSIMOGIANNIS, GK. PAPPAS-GOGOS, N. ZIKOS, K. NIKAS, A. MANATAKI, EC. TSIMOYIANNIS: Reduction of pain after Laparoscopic cholecystectomi: A randomised double blind controlled trial. 16th International Congress of the EAES. Stockholm, Sweden June 11-14, 2008. Abstract book 0117
17. N. BENETATOS, E. ROUSTANIS, B. BALTZOGLOU, KI. TSIMOYIANNIS, KE. TSIMOGIANNIS, EC. TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic colectomy for apparently benign colorectal polyps not suitable for endoscopic polypectomy. 16th International Congress of the EAES. Stockholm, Sweden June 11-14, 2008. Abstract book 0101.
18. PAPPAS-GOGOS G, TELLIS K, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSELEPIS A, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Laparoscopic procedures in upper-lower abdomen and oxidative stress. 6th Pan-Hellenic Congress on Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress Pramanda Artas, Hellas, 18-21 September, 2008 Abstract book p52.
19. TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TELLIS K, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, TSELEPIS A, BASDANIS G, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Inflammatory markers in surgery of colon cancer. Comparison of open vs Laparoscopic surgery.
26th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress. A 12-15 November 2008, Athens, Greece. Hellenic Journal of Surgery 2008; 80(6 Ι): 26.
20. N BENETATOS, G PAPAS-GOGOS, K TSIMOGIANNIS, D. TSIRONIS, P MAVRIDOU, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Outcome of Radiofrequency ablation for liver metastases from gastric cancer. 8th Congress of the European HPB Association, Athens, Greece, 18-20 June, 2009.
21.TSIMOYIANIS EC, KARFIS E, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, NIKAS K, BENETATOS N, ROUSTANIS E: Posterior Gastropexy Combined with Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication in Surgical Treatment of GERD. 15th International Congress of the EAES. Athens, Greece, July 4-7, 2007. Abstract Vol. O201 p 59
22. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, ZIKOS N, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, BENETATOS N, TSIMOGIANNIS KJ: Laparoscopic versus open approach to neurolytic celiac plexus block in inoperable pancreatic cancer. 8th World Congress of IHPB association. Mumbai, India,February 27-March 3, 2008. HPB 2008; 10[suppl.1]: 198
23. ROUSTANIS E, BENETATOS N, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Complications in laparoscopic versus open colectomies for colorectal cancer. Colorectal Games. Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, May 2008.
Tech. Coloproctol. 2008;12: 269.
24. ROUSTANIS E, BENETATOS N, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Radiofrequency ablation of colorectal hepatic metastases long-term survival. Colorectal Games. Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, May 2008. Tech. Coloproctol. 2008; 12: 270.
25. TSIMOGIANNIS KE, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, FARANTOS C, BENETATOS N, MAVRIDOU P, MANATAKI A, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Reduction of pain after SILS cholecystectomy vs standard Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 9th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 21-23 May 2009, Athens, Greece.
26. S KOULAS, KE TSIMOGIANNIS, A KARENTZOS, M CHRISELIS, C TSIRONIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic vs open procedure for rectal cancer. A retsrospective 10 year study.4th Surgical Oncology Meeting, 27-30 August 2009, Kamena Vourla, Greece. Abstr Book p71 (ΕΑ 11).
27. K. TSIMOGIANNIS, G. PAPPAS-GOGOS, K. TELIS, A. TSELEPIS, G. MPASDANIS, E. TSIMOYIANNIS: Inflammatory response in Surgery of colon cancer: comparison of open and laparoscopic approach.
ISW 2009, Adelaide, Australia. 6-10 September 2009.World Journal of Surgery 2009;33(1): S49(ID: 0125)
28. G PAPPAS-GOGOS, K TELIS, K TSIMOGIANNIS, A TSELEPIS, N GOUVAS, E XYNOS, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Oxidative stress markers in Open and laparoscopic colectomy for colorectal cancer. ISW 2009, Adelaide, Australia. 6-10 September 2009.World Journal of Surgery 2009;33(1):S78( ID: 202).
29. BIKOS S, BENETATOS N, CRISELIS M, PAPADATOS S, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Laparoscopic treatment of gastric disorders 7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book p36
30. BENETATOS N, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, TSIRONIS D, FARANTOS C, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Post operative pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Advantages of SILS vs standard laparoscopic procedure. Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book p38.
31. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, K TELLIS, A TSELEPIS, G BASDANIS, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Inflammatory Reaction in surgery for colorectal cancer. Comparison of open and laparoscopic approach. 7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book p42.
32. G PAPPAS-GOGOS, KE TSIMOGIANNIS, K TELLIS, A TSELEPIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS, XYNOS E: Oxidative stress in laparoscopic and open surgery for colorectal cancer. 7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book p43.
33. D TSIRONIS, KE TSIMOGIANNIS, C TSIRONIS, A KARENTZOS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: The combination of rear gastropexy with Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication improves the results of surgical treatment of GERD. Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book p47
34. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, K TELLIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: SILS: Evolution of lapartoendoscopic surgery. 16th Congress of the Medical–Surgical Association of Corfu 16-18 April 2010, Corfu, Greece.
35. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, M PAPDOPOULOU, A MANATAKI, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy through a single incision (SILS): Our 18 month experience. 10th Pan-Hellenic Meeting of HPB Surgery. 14-15 May 2010 Alexandroupoli, Greece.
36. K. TSIMOGIANNIS, N. BENETATOS, G. PAPPAS-GOGOS, C. TSIRONIS, D. TSIRONIS, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Single Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A new era of minimally invasive Surgery. 18th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Geneva, Switzerland, 16-19 June 2010 Abstract Vol. O132 p.87.
37. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, N. BENETATOS, TSIRONIS, D, C FARANTOS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication with posterior Gastropexy for the surgical treatment of GERD. 27th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Forum 2010 24-27 November 2010, Athens, Greece Abstr. CD
38. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, K. TELIS, G. PAPPAS-GOGOS, M. MPAKOLA, A. TSELEPIS, E. TSIMOYIANNIS, M. PITIAKOUDIS: A-defensins and hsCRP for comparing the inflammatory reaction in 4-port laparoscopic vs less cholecystectomy. SAGES 2011 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA. 30 March – 02 April 2011. Abstract Vol. S107 p.147.
39. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, K TELLIS, A TSELEPIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS, G BASDANIS: Inflammatory Reaction in surgery for colorectal cancer. Comparison of open and laparoscopic approach. 4th Pan-Hellenic Congress of the Colorectal Surgery Association. 19-22 May 2011. Thessaloniki, Greece.
40. TSIMOYIANNIS EC, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, PAPPAS-GOGOS G, FARANTOS C, BENETATOS N, MAVRIDOU P, MANATAKI A: Different pain scores in single transumbilical incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus classic laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled trial. 10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 26-28 May 2011, Athens, Greece. Abstract CD.
41. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, G PAPPAS-GOGOS, N BENETATOS, D TSIRONIS, C FARANTOS, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication combined with posterior gastropexy in surgical treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease.
10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 26-28 May 2011, Athens, Greece. Abstract CD
42. KE TSIMOGIANNIS, T EVANGELOU, E TSIMOYIANNIS: Transluminal Endoscopic Microsurgery (TEM) for rectal tumors. Our 15 year experience
10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 26-28 May 2011, Athens, Greece. Abstract CD.
EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy through a single incision (SILS): Our 2 year experience. 10th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 26-28 May 2011, Athens, Greece. Abstract CD.
44. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, KONSTANTINOS TELLIS, ALEXANDRIOS TSELEPIS, GEORGE PAPPAS-GOGOS, EVANGELOS TSIMOYIANNIS, GERORGE BASDANIS: Expression of a-defensins, TLR2 and TLR4 in the Inflammatory Response in Open and Laparoscopic Colectomy for Colorectal Cancer. 19th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Torino, Italy 15-18 June 2011. Abstract disk.
45. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, G. PAPPAS-GOGOS, CC TELLIS, A TSELEPIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS, E XYNOS, E CHRYSOS: Oxidative Stress in Open and Laparoscopic Colectomy for Colorectal Cancer: a randomized study. 20th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Brussels, Belgium 20-23 June 2012. Abstract disk.
46. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, G. PAPPAS-GOGOS, CC TELLIS, A TSELEPIS, EC TSIMOYIANNIS: Alteration of plasma RNA oxidation after colectomy for colorectal cancer (Poster) 20th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Brussels, Belgium 20-23 June 2012. Abstract disk.
47. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, KONSTANTINOS TELLIS, ALEXANDRIOS TSELEPIS, GEORGE PAPPAS-GOGOS, EVANGELOS TSIMOYIANNIS, GERORGE BASDANIS: Expression of a-defensins in the Inflammatory Response in Open and Laparoscopic Colectomy for Colorectal Cancer (special session for published papers) 28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012. Absctract CD.
48. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, KONSTANTINOS TELLIS, ALEXANDRIOS TSELEPIS, GEORGE PAPPAS-GOGOS, EVANGELOS TSIMOYIANNIS, GERORGE BASDANIS: Expression of TLR2 and TLR4 in the Inflammatory Response in Open and Laparoscopic Colectomy for Colorectal Cancer (special session for published papers) 28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International
Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012. Absctract CD
49. KONSTANTINOS E. TSIMOGIANNIS, K. TELIS, G. PAPPAS- GOGOS, M. MPAKOLA, A. TSELEPIS, E. TSIMOYIANNIS, M. PITIAKOUDIS: A-defensins and hsCRP for comparing the inflammatory reaction in 4-port laparoscopic vs less cholecystectomy (special session for published papers) 28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012. Absctract CD
50. MPILLIS M, TSIMOGIANNIS KE, MPIKOS S, TSIRONIS C, TSIRONIS D, TSIMOYIANNIS EC: Neuroendocrine tumors in a General Surgery Department
28th Panhellenic Congress of Surgery and International Surgical Forum 2012, Athens, Greece, 21-24 November 2012. Absctract CD
51. TSIMOGIANNIS K, SVERISSON I, NIKBERG M, SMEDH K: Prophylactic stoma mesh did not reduce parastomal hernia frequency (Poster). ESCP's 9th Scientific & Annual Meeting, 24 - 26 September 2014, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract App.
52. TSIMOGIANNIS K, KARLBOM U, LUNDIN E, GRAF W: Long-term outcome after segmental colonic resection for slow transit constipation (Poster). ESCP 13th Scientific & Annual Meeting, 26 - 28 September 2018. Nice, France.
53. Botros A, Tsimogiannis K et al: Transverse Colon Cancer: Clinical And Oncological Outcomes on a prospective cohort study for open, laparoscopic and robotic colectomy. 16th ESCP Virtual Congress 2021. 22-24 September 2021.
1. K. Tsimogiannis SILS cholecystectomy using a single stitch for exposure.
7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book
2. K. Tsimogiannis SILS cholecystectomy without stitch for exposure 7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book.
3. K. Tsimogiannis SILS appendicectomy 7th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 6-8 November 2009, Ioannina Greece. Abstr Book.
4. K. Tsimogiannis: SILS cholecystectomy 9th Pan-Hellenic Laparoendoscopic Surgery Congress 21-23 May 2009, Athens, Greece.
5. N. Benetatos, G. Monastiriotis, K. Tsimogiannis, P. Mavridou, A. Manataki, E. Tsimoyiannis: Laparoscopic Gastric diverticulectomy and Hiatal Hernia Repair (video). 18th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery. Geneva, Switzerland, 16-19 June 2010 Abstract Vol. V128 p.90
6. EC Tsimoyiannis, KE Tsimogiannis, EK Moulias, P Mavridou, A Manataki: Laparoscopic treatment of large paraoesophageal hernia with stomach torsion.
27th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Forum 2010. 24-27 November 2010, Athens, Greece Abstr. CD
7. KE Tsimogiannis, D Tsironis, C Tsironis, A Stratsiani, A Manataki, EC Tsimoyiannis: SILS cholecystectomy with curved instruments 27th Pan-Hellenic Surgical Congress and International Forum 2010. 24-27 November 2010, Athens, Greece Abstr. CD.
8. K.E. Tsimogiannis, C. Tsironis, D. Tsironis, A. Karentzos, A. Manataki, E.C. Tsimoyiannis: Laparoscopic treatment of gastric GISTs. 19th International Congress of the E.A.E.S., Torino, Italy 15-18 June 2011. Abstract disk.
9. E.C. Tsimoyiannis., K.E. Tsimogiannis., T Evangelou, A Stratsiani: ΤΕΜ excision of malignant polyp base. Tattoo at the base of the polyp. 8th Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Meeting, 4-6 November 2011, Ioannina Greece.
10. Tsimogiannis KE, Mpikos S, Tsimoyiannis EC: Transanal removal of polyp using a SILS port. 11th Congress of the Surgical Sociaety of Northern Greece. 25-27 October 2013, Ioannina, Greece. Absctract CD.
11. Tsimogiannis KE et al: Robotic Emergency Robotic Repair of Incarcerated Spigelian Hernia. 16th ESCP Virtual Congress 2021. 22-24 September 2021.

Dr Κωνσταντίνος Τσιμογιάννης MD, MSc, PhD
- Αιμορραγία εντέρου
- Αιμορροϊδοπάθεια (Αιμορροΐδες)
- Αφαίρεση κύστης
- Βουβωνοκήλη
- Γαστροοισοφαγική παλινδρόμηση (ΓΟΠ)
- Διαφραγματοκήλη
- Καρκίνος παχέος εντέρου
- Καρκίνος πρωκτού
- Καρκίνος στομάχου
- Κήλη
- Κονδυλώματα
- Κονδυλώματα πρωκτού
- Κύστη κόκκυγος
- Κήλες
- Μελάνωμα
- Όγκος παχέος εντέρου
- Ομφαλοκήλη
- Περιτονίτιδα
- Ραγάδα πρωκτού
- Σκωληκοειδεκτομή
- Σπληνεκτομή
- Συρίγγιο
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